Wednesday, September 21, 2011

200X-Alcala Skeletor!!!

I'm salivating for that new Alfredo Alcala head that comes with the upcoming Demo-Man. I always thought the New Adventure's Skeletor head looked like Alcala's artwork. I love the 200x series and the head was a great fit! Here he is joining both halves of the power sword!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A sci-fi soldier stranded in a world of barbarian warlords and sorcery.

Zodac- My favorite MOTU character. Mysterious cosmic enforcer, good? evil? both? I always leaned toward the good side. He and Stratos were always partners at my house. Props to the super talented Danbrenus for shedding well deserved light on this underexposed character in his awesome mini comic style web comics. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

He-Dio's-Hordak and Webstor!!!!

Hordak plots his escape from the dark dimention of Despondos!

Webstor is shuffling through his nest built with the help of the townspeople!